23andMe Holiday

23andMe can be used by everyone. It is an experience that is as unique for each person as our DNA. I led the very successful Evergreen Holiday campaign that was product focused and templated to be highly targeted and reusable.


OOH content appeared in busy areas such as Times Square. Video was made to be very simple and communicate that 23andMe is the perfect gift for everyone.

 Whenever strategically possible we utilized the names in gift tags to target certain consumer groups. Web banners were targeted based on top gift search terms that appeared in the gift tags when searched.

Whenever strategically possible we utilized the names in gift tags to target certain consumer groups. Web banners were targeted based on top gift search terms that appeared in the gift tags when searched.

 Social content was a little more playful and colorful. We were able to optimize  based on consumer interaction.

Social content was a little more playful and colorful. We were able to optimize based on consumer interaction.

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